OTTAWA – With no MPs from either Alberta or Saskatchewan, sources indicate that Western Canada will be represented in the Trudeau cabinet by an empty Calgary White Hat.
The 10-gallon hat, first appointed to the Senate in 1997 as a Liberal by Prime Minister Jean Chretien, is expected to be appointed as the Minister of Natural Resources, thereby giving the two western provinces a seat at the table.
The white felt headdress has a life-long experience serving some very distinguished heads protecting their eyes and skin from the sun’s rays, while making them blend in with everyone else at Stampede and fulfilling an Albertan stereotype.
“The hat and I go way back,” said former Liberal cabinet minister and Calgary MP Kent Hehr. “It may not say much, but it works hard for Western Canada, and understands the issues many energy workers are facing in Alberta.”
According to sources inside the Liberal Party, a pair of Yosemite Sam truck mud flaps will serve as a Special Regional Advisor for Rootin’ Tootin’ western economic diversification.