OTTAWA – The nation’s dads assembled on Parliament Hill today demanding that Transport Canada investigate where in the hell this moron learned how to drive and who exactly was the idiot that decided to give him a license.
“We are gathered here because we want to know how this brain donor got behind the wheel of a vehicle and whether or not he has even heard of a turn signal,” stated lead dad spokesperson Frank Bilyk. “The Federal government needs to identify what kind of a street racing hotshot this maniac thinks he is, and they need to do it before he drives right up somebody’s ass, pardon my French!”
These events follow a massive public outcry to just look at the way this nut job is weaving around like he’s the only one on the road. Authorities will hopefully be able to determine whether or not the driver in question needs to have his head examined.
Traffic experts have confirmed that everybody’s in a hurry once in a while, sure, but gimme a break.
Bilyk hopes that this federal investigation will be followed up with an inquest into why the hell there’s never a cop around when you need one but there’s always five times more people doing road work than there need to be, am I right?