Hey there!
Oh, sorry, totally didn’t see the book and headphones! Hope I’m not bothering you. How are you today? Where are you headed? Oh, the university? Sounds smart!
Look, I don’t normally do this, but I saw you from across the bus and was just wondering- I could have sworn I’ve seen you around Instagram! It’s sexydolphin24, right? No? sexyporpoise? sexysquid? Come on, help a guy out, I know it involved the ocean. Alright, keep your secrets, it’ll come to me eventually.
You really like that book, huh? “Governmental Management Strategies”. Looks serious, haha.
Anyway, I’m Tyler. I think I followed you a month ago. You never followed me back- that’s cool though, I totally get why a girl like you wouldn’t follow just anyone. It’s why I “slid into your DMs” a couple times too, as the kids say.
Oh, you never saw my messages? That’s okay, don’t feel bad, we’re here now and that’s all that matters. Can I sit with you? Oops, too late, I’m already down; gravity: 1, you: 0. Gotta work on those reflexes!
Man, I’m super impressed you can read and have a conversation at the same time! You multitasker, you.
Hey, I’m sure you hear this all the time, but your pictures are amazing. I liked all of them, don’t know if you remember. The one of you on the beach in Bali? You know, where you look like a supermodel on her day off? Nah, don’t be shy, you totally do.
What? You have a boyfriend? Weird, you never mention him in your stories. Hey, look, don’t worry. I’m a good guy, not one of those creeps, I swear. Gotta watch out for those ones, right?
What singer are you listening to?
Sorry- I said, what singer are you listening to? Who? Never heard of her.
Anyway, I was actually just wondering if you’d wanna grab a drink sometime- oh, it’s your stop? But we’re still fifteen minutes from the university.
Cool, I like walking in the pouring rain too. It’s like that scene from my favourite movie, Sin City. Want some company? No? Okay, well, nice to finally meet you in person- remember to follow me back this time!
Wow, she’s so fast! You’d think running in heels would slow her down, but look at her go!
…Ah, shit, it was sexyseacucumber. I KNEW it.
That went so well.