Stalwart Winnipeggers not going to let the A&W being on fire get in the way of their drive-thru order - The Beaverton

Stalwart Winnipeggers not going to let the A&W being on fire get in the way of their drive-thru order

WINNIPEG – Showing an absolute resolve in their dedication to the fast- chain, loyal Winnipeggers were still making orders through the drive-thru despite the restaurant being consumed by flames.

While crews bravely battled the fire at Main Street and Inkster Boulevard, more heroic deeds were occurring in the parking lot as hungry customers patiently waited to hear the confirmation from an employee on a headset who evacuated the building two hours ago.

“I’ll take a Double Teen with fries, a Papa Burger without , and an Uncle Burger,” said one patron to a melting intercom. “Hello?…Oh, and a large root beer! Did you get all that?”

full of insatiable connoisseurs of hamburgers, onion rings, and sweet potato fries ignored the heavy smoke pouring out of the drive-thru window as they hummed and hawed at their options.

“The burgers should be done faster if it’s over 2,000 degrees in there,” said one waiting for his Chubby Chicken. “God, what the hell is taking them so long? Seriously, I don’t think being on fire is really an acceptable excuse for this kind of slow service.”

By sunrise, the charred remains of the business continued to receive customers ordering from the now warped breakfast menu.

This demonstration of unflinching customer loyalty has not inspired the city since the 1997 Flood when a group loyal 7-11 customers attempted to purchase Slurpees despite the store being under 8 feet of water.