TORONTO – Following the appearance of a cannabis-themed parody mascot named Tokaroo at a recent legalization event, Ontario’s public broadcaster has sent a legal threat to the man behind the costume in an effort to prevent people from making a connection between drugs and Polkaroo, the mythical creature of the imagination who cannot be seen by certain adult authority figures.
Polkaroo is the most familiar character from the long-running TVO children’s television show The Polka Dot Door. He originally only appeared on the show’s weekly themed Imagination Day, but eventually grew so popular that he started to appear any time The Man left the room.
“This unauthorized ‘Tokaroo’ mascot is a trademark violation,” stated a signed cease and desist letter from TVO. “More importantly, it is a threat to the sterling reputation of one of Canada’s most recognized symbols of sober-minded thinking,” the letter continued, in reference to the muumuu-clad multicoloured creature who speaks only in a nonsense language only understood by those on his wavelength.
Mark Scott – creator of the unsanctioned parody mascot that somehow looks more like a real animal than the original monster it is based on – feels that TVO is overreacting. “All I’m doing is taking a friendly and approachable character that children trust, and giving him a gigantic joint and some red eyes and encouraging everyone to smoke weed every day. Where’s the potential for harm in any of that?”
In response to the legal controversy, the TVO mascot said, “Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo! Polkaroo!”