Latte artist moves into expressionist period - The Beaverton

Latte artist moves into expressionist period

– Veteran latte artist Joseph Romano, who has become infamous for his striking works such as “Heart” and “Flower, If You Kinda Squint Your Eyes,” has made a shift in genre from his traditional realism into his expressionist phase.

This artistic development arose from Romano’s wish to break free from simply replicating reality as it appears to be. “I want my art to reflect how I see the world,” Romano posted on his blog, “and how I see it, coffee tastes pretty much the same regardless what shape the foam is in.”

In his most recent pieces, Romano exists within an abstract-expressionist world creating pieces such as Untitled 0004 and Untitled 0167.

“His new stuff is industrial, raw, and uncut,” described latte-art critic Mariette Cole. “Romano has made quite a fascinating comment on the bourgeoisie’s arbitrary assignment of value.”

Times writer George Anderson wrote about Romano’s genre break as being “unapologetic, free from time and space, and a refreshing change from his previously derivative hot milk dribble.”

However, not all critics have been so kind. Instagram user laurynbill57 commented on one of Romano’s recent posts saying, “This just looks like a regular latte. Even I could have done this.” User jakey_wakey commented on the same photo, “Not sure I get this, probably a metaphor?”

In light of the groundbreaking new era, Romano provided some introspective insight into what has driven his bold and daring artistic venture. “I just didn’t realize how much more money I would make if I didn’t spend 30 extra minutes on each latte,” shrugged the virtuoso.

