Airliner permits woman's comfort whale onto plane - The Beaverton

Airliner permits woman’s comfort whale onto plane

– An spokesperson has confirmed that a Vancouver woman has been allowed to take her comfort humpback whale onto an international flight from Vancouver to Hawaii.

A passenger claimed she needed a 80,000 lbs support animal on any and all . Despite guidelines that determine what kind of animal is allowed onto aircraft, , porpoises, and dolphins were not included on the list.

“The 16 m long marine mammal was safely stowed underneath and on top of passengers,” said the Air spokesperson. “So it’s really no different from an experience in economy class.”

Travellers sitting near the whale’s powerful blowhole wore water resistant clothing and regularly doused the whale in saltwater throughout the flight.

Regular flyers at Vancouver International Airport expressed empathy for those who require support baleen whales during flights.

“Whatever makes people feel more comfortable, I’m all for,” explained businessman Harry Schmitt. “But if some entitled mother thinks that she can bring a crying infant onto a plane, she and her loud, demonic spawn should be kicked off before take-off.”