Cash prizes for Chase the Ace lottery replaced with access to a family doctor - The Beaverton

Cash prizes for Chase the Ace lottery replaced with access to a family doctor

INVERNESS, NS – A popular lottery game with roots in has swapped its cash jackpots with something that’s more prized in Atlantic ; access to a rural .

Participants in three lotteries can now purchase lottery tickets in hope of winning a scheduled appointment with a physician who will know your name, age, existing health conditions, and at least one trivial detail about your personal life.

“You know, hundreds of thousands of dollars would be nice, but would be nicer to make an appointment for the shortness of breath I’ve been having for the past two years” said 62-year-old Bethany McFadden who has been on a wait list for two years. “I purchased 10 tickets knowing it’s going to a good cause.”

The number of appointments increases each time the Ace of Spades is not drawn. One of the jackpots currently sits at a whopping eight visits.

This year’s prizes includes appointments with Dr. Tanya Goertz, a friendly medical practitioner originally from who will not be retiring in the next week or moving elsewhere unlike 50% of the presently in .

According to sources, the government of Nova Scotia  has increased the number of doctors in the province by granting medical licenses to the patients on the wait list so they can diagnose and treat themselves.