Report: Lone hair on woman’s otherwise bare chin won’t give up - The Beaverton

Report: Lone hair on woman’s otherwise bare chin won’t give up

MONCTON, NB – In what is shaping up to be a tale of triumph and resilience, a lone hair on the otherwise bare chin of , Gillian Scholl, shows no signs of giving up.

The 41-year-old discovered the hair while she was in a work-related meeting, pretending to be engaged by nodding her head and stroking her chin.

“I tweeze it, it comes back, I tweeze it again and it returns – the hair’s persistence to exist outweighs what I’m willing to do about it,” Scholl said. “And you could imagine my shock when I was pantomiming twiddling a beard that there were the beginnings of one brewing.

I’m going to destroy you one of these days, this isn’t over,” she whispered to the persistent protein filament.

Scholl realized the problem had reached its limit when a colleague mentioned that they were really “down” with the feminist statement she was making via her facial hair.

Thanks to the generosity of her co-workers, Scholl had accidentally raised $82 dollars for Movember.