Burlington, ON – Following a class action law suit local sports bar Beer ‘n’ Birds Bar and Grill has been found guilty of false advertising after promoting their ghost pepper wings as ‘deathly hot’ despite their being no confirmed deaths from the wings. The restaurant was also found guilty of failing to disclose the extremely laxative qualities of the chicken dish.
“We apologize to all our customers. We meant deathly as a descriptor for extreme and not that this menu item would literally kill you.” said bar owner Kethap Dumas “ and we thought sports bar wings implied diarrhea”
Dumas said there was no plans to take the popular item off the menu. The restaurant will also continue with its Tuesday night promotion but will change the name to ‘The 8 Pound Diarrhea Wings Challenge.’
“Listen I’m still going to eat those delicious wings” said one of the plaintiffs Jessica Care “but I want people to know you won’t die but you will definitely get diarrhea.”
Not all plaintiffs are happy with the outcome of the case. “I was trying to kill someone with those so called deathly wings” said local bookie and plaintiff Liz Javve “the bar doesn’t owe me a name change, they owe me the blood of my enemy. Giving someone diarrhea won’t scare their brother into paying me back $10, 000.”
In light of the lawsuit Tim Hortons has changed the 2 for $5.99 special to the ‘Nowhere Else Was Open’ special.