Cure for cancer? These doctors eradicate cancer cells using only scalpels, radiation, and chemotherapy - The Beaverton

Cure for cancer? These doctors eradicate cancer cells using only scalpels, radiation, and chemotherapy

Big : using only traditional methods like scalpels, radiation and chemotherapy, a group of doctors at of have managed to cure cancer in some patients.

This could save millions of lives.

“Radiation therapy is the one Big Pharma really doesn’t want you to know about,” said Rhonda Ellison, of “Radiation occurs naturally in nature, so they can’t use it to turn a profit. Don’t let them cover this one up.”

The scientists also discovered that certain cells in a cancer patient’s body contain a toxin known as ‘cancer’, and by cutting the cancer cells out with some sort of a knife, many patients can go into remission, or even end up cancer free. Wow.

“Of course, indigenous people and Eastern Medicine have known about knives for millennia, further proving that ancient wisdom trumps Western left-brain thinking,” said certified tribal healer Jillian Hendrickson.

But don’t expect the major news sources to report on that, either.

“This just goes to prove you can cure cancer without the use of drugs,” said Ellison. “Using a simple combination of surgery, gamma rays, and Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride.”

This is the biggest news in since it was discovered the effects of alcoholism could be countered by taking LSD every day instead.