"Kellie Leitch can't win here," says man who said Trump couldn't win there - The Beaverton

“Kellie Leitch can’t win here,” says man who said Trump couldn’t win there

– During a dinner party held by a friend, David Casper openly scoffed at the notion that could ever win the Conservative party leadership, let alone a federal .

“Don’t worry, this will all blow over,” said Casper, unknowingly repeating what he’d said about last October. “Trust me, real Canadians would never vote for her.”

Casper, who holds a high-paying job in downtown Vancouver and believed would lose in the primaries, says that Leitch can’t win because she doesn’t appeal to anyone.

“Who’s even listening to her? Canadians don’t have deep-seated racial biases to manipulate,” said Casper, who, like millions of others, spent the night of Nov. 8th in stunned disbelief. “I mean, have you seen her immigration policies? Those will never work. We’re a nation of immigrants!”

At press time, the most recent polls had found Kellie Leitch ahead in the Conservative leadership race.