MIRAMICHI, NB – After racking his brain for hours, local ophthalmologist Dr. Deadgrave Scary-Boo has been unable to think of a clever Halloween themed name change for his Twitter profile.
“I see all my friends online have changed their names for the season,” said the mild-mannered, bespectacled man in his office.
“It seems like they all have a much easier time of it. My friend Paul Mayer changed it to Paul Bearer, or Kat Buckley changed it to Bat Suckly, but I guess I’ve never really been the wittiest man.”
Dr. Scary-Boo says that he’s attempted several iteration of his Twitter name – including: “Spectre Medgrave Carrie-Zoo”, “Dr. Lead Rave Terry-Glue”, “Raptor Head Cave Starey-You” and “Chopper Fed Nave Glaring Stu.” – all of which he promptly changed back to his real name after a moment of reconsideration.
At press time, Dr. Scary-Boo’s clinic partner, Dr. Jack Lantern, is reportedly having the same problem.