MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA – Reports from inside the family room report that Tyler Johnson, the 16 year old just dying to bang your baby girl, is very happy to meet you.
“Thank you for having me over Mr. Wilman, you have a beautiful home,” said the boy who already told his friends that tonight would definitely be the night it happened.
“I’ve been trying to fuck your little Stephanie ever since she went to school in those shorts you were not comfortable with her wearing, but her mother claimed were fine,” he may as well have added.
Sources inside your head have speculated that Stephanie and this little shit have already done everything beside sex, given the kinds of things kids these days get up to.
“I promise to bring her home by 10 an adult woman,” said Johnson.
At press time you should probably take your mind off of this by giving your son unwanted advice on how to get laid.