WASHINGTON, DC — The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has condemned an article written by the CBC for focusing exclusively on Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau’s fashion choices during on official state visit to Washington yesterday.
“The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation would never stoop so low as to relegate the Prime Minister’s partner to a walking mannequin, wearing whatever is trendy this season,” said Meagan Formosa, senior web editor with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. “The CBC would do something like that, but not us.”
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation touted its recent investigative show on the misogynistic dress code in the service industry which required women to wear tight, revealing clothing or else they would lose their jobs. According to the Corporation, a program like this would never be shown on CBC.
“People at the CBC should take note of our investigative journalism and learned a thing or two on why it is wrong to have these sorts of expectations for women,” added another Canadian Broadcasting Corporation journalist. “And simply because she’s wearing Canadian-designed clothing is not an excuse to objectify a woman.”
In related news, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation announced a three-part miniseries showcasing the lives of wives of powerful leaders and their challenging relationship with the media.