NATIONWIDE – After a hair-raising episode that placed Murdoch, Ogden, and the whole gang in personal danger, the nation’s dogs that have been left alone with the TV on so that they don’t get too freaked out about being on their own are shocked and flabbergasted.
“Something about that last episode really has Lucius all worked up,” said recently-arrived-home dog owner Sam Field, as his golden retriever ran circles around the living room. “What’s the matter, boy? Did Sarah Polley guest star as Florence Nightingale?”
Experts in dog science say there must have been some sort of major twist in the episode, but that, unfortunately, there’s no way to find out short of sitting through it or talking to their grandparents.
“Maybe Crabtree solves something for once, or maybe Murdoch closes a case by inventing Edwardian nuclear power, or maybe there was just a dog in this episode,” said Dr. Alok Chatterjee, a researcher at University of Toronto. “Either way, next time I’m leaving Marilyn Dennis on instead.”
Executives from the CBC apologized for the ‘alarming’ content of the episode (which features Gordon Pinsent, reprising his role as an old Murdoch clone from the Orphan Black crossover episode), and promised that future episodes of the show would cater more to their growing dog viewership.
“A major story arc next season involves Murdoch and Julia wandering around outside and looking at different birds,” said CBC CEO Hubert Lacroix. “Some people have said we’re caving to public pressure, but I guarantee you, this is very much the kind of storytelling that the CBC has always been interested in.”