Improv show tolerated by all - The Beaverton

Improv show tolerated by all

CALGARY – Wednesday night’s instalment of the longform show, Lazer Slacks, was universally praised as “alright”, “satisfactory”, and “about what I expected”, according to the quarter-capacity crowd.

The monthly improv comedy show boasted sets from three separate groups, which managed to end just before things became insufferable. The audience, who numbered in the tens, mainly contained friends, members, and romantic partners, most of whom did not totally regret their decision to attend the show.

Improv team Law & Udder opened the night with a halfway alright set, boasting some okay jokes and discernible characters. “One guy even had this Scottish character that was pretty decent,” recalled audience member James Falk. “I think he brought [that Scottish character] back a couple of times, but I went to the bathroom and checked my phone.”

The show continued, featuring improv sets by teams Bring Cosby and Sweeting, which were also fine.

Interviewed after the show, Bring Cosby team member Shelley Johnson described her team’s approach to improv. “We prefer longform improv, as opposed to the shorter Whose Line Is It Anyway style games, which only go for the kind of cheap laughs where the audience actually emits joy and pleasure.”

“With longform you get to explore larger themes and characters, so you barely even notice that no one is laughing,” added the 28 year old systems analyst. 

At press time, no one had yet taken a flyer for next month’s show.