SIDO, CHAD – While awaiting his daily food ration at this UN-administered camp in Southern Chad, a CAR refugee stated that an Israeli attack of any kind could really bring world attention to the situation in the country he had to flee.
“The killings in my country don’t end,” Gaston Buzingo said referring to the years of war and religious-related violence in the CAR. “Muslim rebels kill Christians and then Christian rebels kill Muslims. The only thing that can grab the headlines and make people pay attention to this is an attack, ideally from Israel.”
Buzingo stated that Israel might be interested in an invasion since no one recognizes what ethnic group controls which area of the country.
“1967 borders are so, 1967” Buzingo added.
Eirik Akerman, field staff for the UN and Swedish native, said he understood Buzingo’s frustration.
“People aren’t even aware CAR exists,” Akerman said while helping distribute food to the camps 1,200 refugees. “When I say I’m working in the Central African Republic, most are like, ‘cool which one?’”
Akerman went on to explain how some of the 390,000 refugees have already attempted to attract Israel’s attention by claiming there is a sacred Jewish temple located in the country and referring to their country as ‘The Promised Land’.
“Conflict with Israel is the most direct route to people’s moral outrage button, especially in universities and among nations trying to hide their own gross violations of human rights,” Buzingo proclaimed to his fellow exiles.
At press time, the international media was promising the refugees that they will have a special report on their plight this week right after Russia admits they played a role in downing a Malaysian airliner over the Ukraine.