AUSTIN, TX – Health-conscious grocery chain Whole Foods will be launching a new kind of pizza which they promise will revolutionize the way their customers think about pizza by introducing a non-gluten free crust.
“Most of our shoppers are used to our traditional crusts made with rice flour, tapioca and xanthan gum,” said Whole Foods VP Marketing Peter Ashwar.
“We are excited to expand their horizons by giving them new options with exotic grains like wheat.”
The new product was developed by Whole Foods chefs and will be available on Monday. The development team looked to artisanal bread makers for inspiration, and took advantage of the their unique method of preparation. The special mix of ingredients creates a doughy substitute for the familiar pasty, crumbly, tasteless mass of ordinary crusts.
Some shoppers may not welcome the change after some initial complaints said that the crust was far too flexible and structurally integral.
“For me, it was the consistency. I missed the chalky and brittle crust like mama used to make after she went through menopause and started seeing a naturopath,” said Whole Foods customer, Linda Silver.
“But then again, at $12 a slice, it’s a bargain,” she said.
Other products in development at Whole Foods include, Turkey based tofurkey, Kale chips sourced from potatoes, and a soy milk that comes from cows.