Anxiety-ridden 23-year-old with no particular career ambition considering law school - The Beaverton

Anxiety-ridden 23-year-old with no particular career ambition considering law school

— Despite lacking any discernible passions or occupational goals, of Toronto graduate Jessica Breslin recently announced that she was strongly considering a career in the legal profession.

“I think I could make a pretty good lawyer,” said Breslin, who, since earning a degree in political last Spring, has alternately thought about pursuing an MBA, applying for a marketing internship, and going overseas to teach English in Korea.

Breslin added that she “had a really good feeling” about law , and that would be nothing like her previous plans to go “make it” in LA, take a Kerouac-inspired road trip across the United States, or apply to pastry chef school.

“I’ve just sort of been keeping my options open,” said Breslin, who was, until recently,  undecided as to whether she would prefer to work for an NGO, backpack through Europe for a couple of months, or obtain her certification to become a yoga instructor. “But now I’m certain that law school is the path for me.”

At press time, Breslin had apparently missed the deadline to write the LSAT and was planning on moving to City to “find herself.”