London, ON – In preparation for her week long trip to Paris, a woman has packed her New Balance runners to give her the fantasy that she will actually be doing exercise during her trip.
“I can’t wait for an early morning run after a hard night of partying” Amy Lang explained while packing her other belongings. “I think I can keep up my running and yoga schedule, while also seeing 27 museums, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and any other significant landmark. Oh! And of course clubbing, drinking lots of wine and just hanging around on a cafe terrace.”
The 28 year old architect from St. Thomas is also travelling with friends who she expects will enthusiastically join them on a long run up the Seine River in the wee hours of the morning.
“I have no idea why she’s packing those” a dumbfounded friend Katie Border said observing her overly ambitious behaviour. “If she expects me to intentionally raise my blood pressure above 90 beats per minute during our vacation, she can forget it.”
Before packing her shoes, Lang had to remove her Canon Rebel camera from her luggage, which she would later forget before she left for the airport.