Theresa Spence begins eating strike - The Beaverton

Theresa Spence begins eating strike

OTTAWA – Just hours after ending a 6-week-long hunger strike, Theresa Spence, Chief of the Attawapiskat First Nation, announced she is ignoring all medical advice and commencing an eating strike, where she will not cease consuming solid and liquid food until she has a nation-to-nation meeting with and Governor General David Johnston on her terms.

“Our movement has been successful in bringing the claims of First Nations people forward to the public. But the urgency of our message must remain if we want to bring about the future our children deserve,” said Spence, chewing on a third package of beef jerky.

The eating strike commenced before Spence even left the Ottawa area hospital she was being examined in post hunger strike, when she stopped at the Tim Horton’s inside to purchase 6 donuts and double-double. From there, she was escorted to a nearby Swiss Chalet, but was disappointed when she was told the festival special was no longer offered at this time, so she settled for the rib dinner and two desserts, as friends scoured a 7/11 for snacks to continue the protest into the evening.

Spence will struggle through the strike during all hours, she has said, as aides have volunteered to carefully ply mayonnaise into her mouth as she sleeps.

“We are all concerned for her well-being and hope for her sake that she does not have to continue constantly eating,” said interim Liberal leader Bob Rae.

“I implore the Prime Minister to meet with Chief Spence on her terms before her health bears the full brunt of her constant caloric intake, which I think we can all agree, is an inspiration to us all.”

The Prime Minister’s Office has no comment at this time.

After emptying an entire can of whipped cream into her mouth, Chief Spence relayed this message to the press. “All we are asking for is that the Government of Canada meet its treaty obligations and meet with us as we originally demanded, and I am willing to fight for that in any way that I can. Now bring me another jar of peanut butter.”