NEW YORK – Amid both fanfare and speculation about the device’s future, Research in Motion unveiled their new Blackberry 10 operating platform on Wednesday. The system, which will be available to customers through the purchase of one of two newly available Blackberry phones, has reportedly made vast improvements to the communication possibilities available to its users, allowing them to clearly and efficiently complain to each other about “still” having to use a Blackberry.
“I love that you can have a video chat on BBM,” said university student Tessa Lynch. “Now, when the one other girl in my class whose parents won’t pay for her to upgrade to an Android Talk is live chatting with me, I can really see the pain in her eyes.”
“The new camera is also pretty amazing,” said Josh Tesio, a long time Blackberry user. “The photo I took of my friend’s iPhone came out crystal clear!”
In his presentation, C.E.O. Thornsten Heins said users like Lynch and Tesio are just beginning to scratch the surface of the BB10’s potential, which includes features like a touch screen, an app world with over 70,000 apps, and an advance smart type that anticipates a person’s complaint that their phone is “soooo boring” and completes the sentence for them as soon as the letter ‘S’ is typed in.