TORONTO — The nation’s Rebeccas are outraged at being allegedly targeted by Beyonce in her latest album Lemonade. Released last Saturday, the album has ignited a national alert as the entir…
Canada admits they knew Trudeau was a total Samantha all along
OTTAWA — Canadians across the country revealed Monday that, following a segment of CBS’ “60 Minutes” that identified actress Kim Cattrall, famous for her role as Samantha Jones in the hit T…
Student union closes University of Ottawa citing the privilege of attending university
OTTAWA — The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa has, through sheer force of will, closed the University of Ottawa citing a hodgepodge of Marxist teachings and various notions of…
Judge cites Bro Code as precedent in rape trial
OTTAWA– A Federal Court judge has sought to overturn decades of precedent and statute by relying on the centuries old Bro Code. Justice Robin Camp, who until his appoint to the Federal Cour…
Conservatives once again appoint a woman to clean up their mess
OTTAWA — Keeping a longstanding tradition alive that dates back to 1993, the Conservative Party has selected woman MP Rona Ambrose to tidy up the mess left by patriarch Stephen Harper. “The…