OTTAWA — Canadians across the country revealed Monday that, following a segment of CBS’ “60 Minutes” that identified actress Kim Cattrall, famous for her role as Samantha Jones in the hit TV series “Sex and the City”, as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s mother, they knew he was a Samantha this whole time.
“I couldn’t help but wonder, is Trudeau a Samantha?” queried Sarah Montour, a self-identified Carrie and real estate lawyer. “He’s confident, fiercely loyal to his friends, and knows what he’s looking for. Abso-fucking-lutely he’s a Samantha!”
Professor Rosel Kim, of McGill’s political science department, speculates that Trudeau’s Samantha-ness was a big factor in his recent electoral success. “Well, look: everyone likes to pretend they’re looking for a Miranda to lead the country, but I think they get to the ballot box and say, ‘Hell, let’s have some fun’!”
There were some, like Brenda Doughtry, a Vancouver-area business owner, who were surprised by the announcement. “I’ll confess, at first I thought he was more of a Charlotte – romantic, conventional, optimistic. A total Pollyanna.”
Barnett points to Trudeau’s infamous “I’m a try-sexual; I’ll try anything once!” speech as the moment she figured it out. “Oh, honey, he’s a classic Samantha… right down to the gold leather jacket.”
Even Trudeau’s political opponents were unfazed by the revelation. NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair described the Prime Minister as your typical “‘frenemy’ of the left”.