EDMONTON — A live show of Stuart Mclean’s Vinyl Cafe show scheduled to appear in Edmonton was cancelled causing a riot among disappointed octogenarians and retirees .
After the venue announced that Mclean was unable to make the show due to a flight delay, many ticked off, grey-haired, story-lovers congregated around the public library where canes and walkers were intentionally thrown at windows and public property.
“I paid $10 to see this show and then this 67-year-old young punk blows us off like we’re nobody!” exclaimed Chester, an 83-year-old retiree who had looked forward to hearing new stories about the adventures of Dave and Morley. “What a rip-off! We want our money back!”
The civil disobedience further escalated when a group of disaffected grandmothers smashed the windows of a fine wool and yarn shop and grabbed many fine fibres.
“The ensuing riot was definitely fueled by prescription medication,” explained Constable Calista Tangerberry of the Edmonton Police Service. “Or lack of it. We’re not sure.”
Police quelled the rowdy crowd back with very, very loud-speakers and reassurances that their children will call them soon.
According to sources, the nonagenarians were blaming those no-good kids born in the late 40s.