With Democrats reeling from the magnitude of Donald Trump’s victory, analysts and party insiders are coming out with plans for how the party can recover in time for the 2026 midterms and the 2028 presidential election. And we thought we’d join in by focusing on the one issue everyone seems to agree on: Kamala Harris losing was all Trans people’s fault somehow! So here are 5 steps the Democrats must take to achieve electoral success going forward.
5. Stop saying Latinx
Latinos swung hard towards Trump this election. And study after study shows Latinos do not want to use this gender neutral term. Study after study also shows Latinos want comprehensive immigration reform, but that seems a lot harder so let’s focus on this.
4. Support efforts to protect women’s sports
Biological males simply have an unfair advantage when it comes to the kind of athletic events women’s sports defenders have been passionate about, like swimming, skateboarding and… chess? And we can all agree that the people screaming about the approximately 10 trans women competing in women’s sports are passionate about women’s sports in general, and aren’t just using this issue to attack Trans people.
3. End the program of using taxpayer dollars to pay for federal prisoner’s gender reassignment surgery
Oh this program never actually existed and was just made up whole cloth by right-wingers who will say anything to get elected no matter what Democrats do? Crazy. Well still Democrats should stop seeming like the party that would do this kind of thing.
2. Out-Transphobe Republicans
Since Democrats have basically all agreed on Othering Trans people anyway, why not really go for it and become even more transphobic than Republicans. Donald Trump banned Trans people from the army. Why not ban them from getting any kind of federal employment whatsoever? I mean let’s see Republicans run ads saying Democrats are for they/them when you’re advocating for internment camps for all Enbys. This is how we win!
1. Focus on issues that matter to working class people like rent prices, corporate price gouging and Universal Healthcare
Democrats believe that they lost because they support Trans Rights and working class folks in urban and rural areas don’t. But what if it was because they failed to put forward a clear vision for how they will address the cost of living crisis, help lower and middle class people get ahead and finally do something about house prices? Yeah you’re right that’s silly. Instead they should support a Constitutional Amendment saying boys have penises and girls have vaginas.