Weird, did you know they have conservatorships for men too? - The Beaverton

Weird, did you know they have conservatorships for men too?

Stop what you’re doing and prepare to panic. A new examination of American law has found that even male adults can be placed under a .

While statistically unlikely, it seems that anyone, regardless of gender, can have someone take parental rights over them if they are found to be mentally or physically limited. Isn’t that crazy? Next they’ll be telling us men can get breast cancer or lose custody of their .

It really raises some questions about why you only hear about why so many rich are ending up with conservators, while Jared Leto can climb the Empire State Building and no one says anything. People need to remember that when men rev up a chainsaw and throw into through a store window it’s just self-expression, but when women do it, they are in need of professional and legal intervention. Otherwise, wouldn’t someone have long since taken custody of Charlie Sheen?

A possible explanation for why you don’t hear of male conservatorships might be because men often take more traditional options to remedy erratic behaviour, such as court-prescribed medication, house arrest, jail time, fleeing from the authorities, getting cornered by the authorities, going out in a blaze of glory, and starting a shitty podcast.

It gets even stranger when you realize that not only is it entirely possible for a man to be placed under a conservatorship, but that a woman could very well end up being his conservator. Hard to see why that would ever happen though. You don’t see men shaving their heads for no reason. Nature does that for us.

As if the laws weren’t confusing enough, it turns out there are conservatorships for corporations too. This may be a good thing, as has been kind of unusual lately and may need its board of directors to step in.

Oh, it wants to be called X now? Case in point.