Quebec man who supported banning hijabs thinks vaccine passports are a violation of his personal freedom - The Beaverton

Quebec man who supported banning hijabs thinks vaccine passports are a violation of his personal freedom

Michelle Savard, who thinks did not go far enough to prevent Muslim and other religious minorities from dressing how they choose, believes that the recently announced is a gross and unconstitutional violation of his rights.

“So now in order to access public events or use public services I have to follow some arbitrary guideline the government decreed for no reason. This is bullshit,” said Savard, who previously said that the law requiring people to reveal their face to receive government services was a ‘simple, common-sense initiative designed to keep everyone safe’.

“The passports will do nothing. This is just giving in to a bunch of fear mongers who don’t like seeing people who look, act and believe differently to them out there living life.”

’s vaccine passport requirement will take effect September 1st, and require people who wish to access events with a lot of people to use an app to show they have received their . To Savard and many others, this is the worst infringement on civil rights in Quebec in decades, since this one affects them.

“If this actually comes into force I’m leaving,” said Savard. “I’ll move to one of the other provinces that doesn’t have a vaccine passport and oppresses Muslims.”

meanwhile is refusing to introduce a vaccine passport, as they believe they can defeat the by challenging it to a dance-off.