James Cameron finishes filming Avatar 4 before realizing he never made Avatar 2 or 3 - The Beaverton

James Cameron finishes filming Avatar 4 before realizing he never made Avatar 2 or 3

has announced he has finished filming 4 right after realizing he never made Avatar 2 or Avatar 3.

“I cannot wait for everyone to see what I have in store this time,” said Cameron. “You may think you know about all the new planets of Grinmatiore, but what happens when Prisipini and Juncondoo have to deal with an entire Burcogamite army,” enthused Cameron to a room of reporters, none of whom recognized a single reference he was making.

Actors and producers who worked on the were reportedly too afraid to reveal this error during production to Cameron, given his influence in and his reputation for being “bonkers temperamental”.

“He kept saying, ‘Gotuntun will come back even though we thought he was dead’ with a big smile on his face,” explained producer Jon Landau. “There was no character named Gotuntun in the first film, but he seemed so excited I just said, ‘Whoa, not Gotuntun!’ He was so happy, and I was so happy he was finally doing something Avatar-related, you know?”

Producers also insisted that since no one remembers anything about Avatar it shouldn’t matter that we don’t know what’s going on. Despite his obvious blunder, Cameron has doubled down and refuses to go back to shooting anything before this film.

“Viewers won’t be confused, it’ll go down smooth,” Cameron insisted, pacing the conference room in a nervous sweat. “It’s in space where nothing makes sense. Nothing makes sense, so this film not making sense, makes sense. It’s like Inception, if you don’t get you’re stupid.”

At press time, Avatar 4 has already become the highest grossing film of all time. 20th Century Fox has now green-lit Avatars 5 through 9, with the assumption that Cameron will forget about “at least 2 of them.”