By: Martin Day, Royal Observer
Earlier this year, when it was revealed that Julie Payette was an abusive boss who treated people terribly, I was one of the loudest voices calling for her to resign. But in the wake of what we know about the royal family, I now think she was the best emissary they’ve ever had.
Think about it! Harassing people to the point they could no longer handle their environment and had to leave for their own mental health. Did I just describe the independent review of work conditions at Rideau Hall, or Meghan Markle’s description of her experience living amongst the Royals?
Sure Payette and her chief of staff regularly reducing employees to tears sounded bad at the time. But now we know she was just trying to bring a little of the House of Windsor culture to Ottawa. It was method acting, like when De Niro gained all that weight for Raging Bull or Jared Leto did… whatever it was that made his version of the Joker like that.
Maybe the Queen even told Payette to give her staff ‘the ol ‘Markle treatment.’ How else do you explain the similarities between Payette throwing tantrums in her office and the Royals throwing tantrums in the press every time Meghan dares speak.
Oh man, she also killed someone in a traffic accident just like they did! Ok now this is getting freaky. If only Payette was also married to her cousin and relatives with Nazis the parallels would be off the charts.
At the end of the day, I’m not saying we should hire Payette back. That ship has sailed. What I am saying is this: make her our ambassador to the UK so she can live among her own kind. And then make Meghan Markle our Governor General.