Guitar sitting in your closet can’t wait to get to second bass - The Beaverton

Guitar sitting in your closet can’t wait to get to second bass

YOUR APARTMENT – After reaching first bass, the guitar in your expressed impatience and the thrill at the prospect of reaching second bass.

“Oooh boy I’m so excited to touch their body and neckboard,” exclaimed the Gibson SG having the time of their life in your closet. “Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll get to fingering.”

The guitar reached first bass after you rightfully decided that you wanted to be instead of Angus Young, putting your guitar in the closet, with the first bass. The guitar and bass then touched strings.

“It was like seven minutes of heaven,” the guitar exclaimed, “But like seven months because he’s really procrastinating learning Stairway to Heaven out there.”

The electric bass reportedly, was less enthused.

“He’s young and inexperienced, I doubt he could even strike the G-spot… I mean chord. He even made a joke about making music together… like he thinks he’s gonna get to second bass?! He needs to be more adult-contemporary about this.”

The guitar followed up by expressing future plans to bang those drums in your parent’s .