TORONTO – Early reports indicate that the Toronto Sun and several of its journalists and columnists are cashing in on a taxpayer-funded bailout to write lazy, clickbait articles instead of practicing real journalism.
Since the bailout by the federal government, Postmedia-owned assets have only increased the amount of race-baiting articles and emboldened many to make their attacks on racial and religious minorities even more vicious.
“These welfare bums just sit around and write the same article and call it work,” said local Arielle Larence. “I’m worried that there might be someone who works for the Sun in my neighbourhood.”
Innocent readers on social media are often caught in the crossfire whenever a post is veiled as real news.
Newspaper boxes emblazoned with the Sun’s gang colours, red and white, often loiter the streets of Toronto and intimidate any passersby with dumbfounding. often illogical headlines.
“It’s write first, never-think mentality,” said a newspaper boy who also moonlights as a copy editor and columnist to earn minimum wage at the Sun. “There used to be rules to writing journalistic pieces, but now whenever anything bad happens, it’s the same preconceived angle that’s helpful to no one.”