VICTORIA – An exhausted Dr. Bonnie Henry has reminded 5 million residents of British Columbia that this is why they can’t have nice things.
“I’d expect this kind of behaviour from Alberta or Quebec, but not you,” said a disappointed Henry about the skyrocketing coronavirus cases in the province. “How many times have we been over this? You have to distance from other people, wash your hands, and…
…No, you can’t have a big party,” replied Henry to a question from a journalist. “I don’t care if your best friend Tyler had a big one last year. That was before COVID.”
Explaining that she had it up to here with non-compliant behaviour, the BC Chief Medical Officer of Health announced her restrictions in a slow, deliberate tone.
“Each time you go to a nice restaurant or a banquet hall, you act out and spread your coronavirus to someone else. We have been very patient, but some of you just can’t help yourselves during a pandemic, now can you?”
At press time, Dr. Henry further scorned British Columbians for drawing on the wall.