Medical Workers hoping to receive PPE hand-me-downs from riot police - The Beaverton

Medical Workers hoping to receive PPE hand-me-downs from riot police

CITY – In the wake of protestors being confronted by heavily armed and even heavier -d riot , dangerously under-funded fighting -19 are hoping they might be able to snag some hand-me-downs, if possible!

“Oh ok…so a violent institution of known murderers are getting face shields while me and my team are wearing face masks made out of an old Mickey Mouse beach towel,” stated Dr. Jennifer Perez while watching the . “Maybe we could get some of that gear when they’re done with it?”

Doctors, nurses and other essential medical staff currently wearing garbage bags, are hoping to acquire some of the cops old masks and face shields once they’ve been sanitized to remove debris, germs, and protestor .

Hospital workers have said that it’s not ideal to have to use the dank, hand-me-downs of sweaty tyrants that smell way too strongly of axe body spray, but they actually really need this PPE to contain the virus.

“They did send us some left-over gloves the other day. They’re way too big but maybe I’ll grow into them,” stated nurse Michael Gregory.

As riot police in CDC recommended PPE continue to terrorize the continent, those saving lives are using their free time to swing by police stations and see if any careless officers dropped their face shields and gloves on the ground. Unfortunately they’ve mainly been finding nothing but discarded body cams.