SACKVILLE, NS – Local boyfriend Robert Bell is voicing concerns about the top-sheet that was recently installed on his double twin bed by girlfriend Nila Joshi.
“I already have a sheet!” Bell explained, “I don’t know what a second sheet will accomplish that the first couldn’t do on its own”.
Joshi is said to have brought along two new sets of sheets when she visited for the weekend and then, in a surprise move, left them behind.
Bell shared a list of concerns that include increased laundry, getting all tangled, and the need to establish storage space. “The addition of these ‘top’ sheets has left me scrambling to mount a plan moving forward,” said Bell. “I’m going to have to put them in my t-shirts drawer, and that’s only going to work if I fold my shirts to make space. I don’t see that happening easily”
Joshi is excited for what she sees as a step forward for the relationship: “I’m so glad we’ve reached the stage where one of us can see something that makes us think of the other and just buy it as a gift. This time I bought him some nice sheets, and maybe next time he’ll replace that ratty old comforter”.
While Bell admits he can use a top sheet as “…a kind of colder blanket when it’s hot out”, it can be difficult to arrange on his bed.
“Fitted sheets are hard enough, but at least you’re only putting those on the bed once a month, tops.”