QUIZ: Did you grow up watching TVOKids, YTV, or are you a well-adjusted adult that doesn’t use nostalgia as a crutch? - The Beaverton

QUIZ: Did you grow up watching TVOKids, YTV, or are you a well-adjusted adult that doesn’t use nostalgia as a crutch?

Ahhh Canadian ’s programming! What a concept! A cornerstone of rad 90s who grew up glued to the tube after for hours on end, until their moms got home and yelled at them for leaving the door unlocked! And not even starting their homework! Oh man, just don’t understand!!!

If you like millions of other young millenials pride yourself on having watched quirky and weird shows back in the good ol’ days, then get ready to conclusively find out whether you were more of a or connoisseur! Or maybe, just maybe, you are a well-adjusted adult that doesn’t need to constantly inundate themselves in a nostalgic circle-jerk in order to get out of bed in the morning!!!

  •  ♥ 
  •  🍆 
  • LOL 
  • I do not know how I feel about this 
  • I just want to click a button 

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