ST. JOHN’S – A recent poll indicated that 97% of Canadians said that they were surprised The Simpsons still had enough viewers to cause a controversy in their country.
“I haven’t watched that since 2002,” said local Al Smyth who owns seasons 2-12 of the animated sitcom. “That’s still on after all these years, huh? Jesus, that’s sad.”
The 14 Canadian viewers who managed to catch the “D’Oh Canada” episode said that it was on in the background as white noise, but no one in the country of 36 million heard the controversial Newfoundland slur or the seal hunt remarks until the clip was shared by an American viewer on Twitter the following morning.
Among one of the viewers who saw the short clip was a Newfoundlander, who was not offended, but found the joke to be an old stereotype. However, another viewer from Victoria was offended for him causing a ripple of sympathetic outrage across social media.
According to sources, no one in the country has seen the episode in its entirety bringing it on par with Canadian produced television.