CHARLOTTETOWN – The tiniest of the teeny of political parties from the petite province of PEI has won the most adorably small election, reports indicate.
The itty-bitty islanders placed their pocket-sized votes inside little ballot boxes, just like in big provinces, to elect a small and cute party in their dollhouse-size Legislature along with two even tinier parties as opposition.
“It’s almost a surreal experience,” said the party leader with the most seats won in the mini province you just want to hold in the palm of your hand and snuggle it until it makes little giggles.
This is the first time in history that a government has elected a Green Party Official Opposition, especially for a wee munchkin jurisdiction that only has 27 itsy-bitsy seats.
Editor’s note: For anyone from PEI who was offended by this article, please send your tiny complaints in tiny envelopes to:
The Beaverton
24 Sussex Dr.
Ottawa, ON
K1N 6Z7