NEW YORK CITY – In an effort to maintain their reputation as a publication of record, BuzzFeed printed a correction today to an earlier story entitled 57 Things Only Kids Who Grew Up in the 90s Will Get which they say contained inaccuracies that did not meet their journalistic standards.
“We apologize for the errors in reporting,” said BuzzFeed Public Editor Kris Balero, adding that as many as 42 of the things within the list could, in some circumstances, be fully comprehended by 80’s kids, or even 2000’s kids if they had an older brother or sister. “These kinds of errors are luckily rare, and should not reflect our great contributions this week, like “Answer These Questions and We’ll Tell You What Kind of Sushi You Are Meant to Marry or our groundbreaking piece, 81 Dog Pictures That Will Have You Living Your Best Life sponsored by Eukanuba.”
The correction was wide in scope and comprehensive, addressing each inaccuracy, such as #22, where BuzzFeed characterized Orbitz as a “‘Member this soda that would make you go “Whoa! It’s like space juice!” the correction regretted the use of the word “soda” as Orbitz was, in fact, non-carbonated. #35 cited “These Batteries that you could see how much charge they had, but only if you literally broke your fingers,” which was in fact meant figuratively. While #41 “George H.W. Bush was President, but what has he done lately?” received a full retraction.
At press time, the only members of the public that have any recollection of The Secret Life of Alex Mack, YakBaks, McDonalds Pizza, Pogs, and Gak were those who self-identified on the last census as 90’s kids.