SAN BRUNO, CA – Panic spread across the globe as millions of procrastinators discovered that Youtube had suffered an outage and they would have to spend a part of the evening finishing work they had put off for way too long.
“I was devastated; I actually completed an entire ‘to do list’ and still had time to tuck in my kids”, said Tim Matheson, a proud lazeabout.
Many were able to find refuge watching Pornhub or Vimeo before the problem was solved.
“It was all I could do to prevent myself from putting away the dishes”, admitted Cristine Jordan, who had planned to spend the night watching old clips of Teen Mom.
Youtube quickly put out a statement apologizing “for the punch in the arm to do something with your life ” and that “They plan to work tirelessly to have cat and unboxings videos online to distract you from completing daily hygiene and or, self-betterment.”