Oh no! The Trump baby balloon learned to speak and now it’s calling Theresa May the C-word! - The Beaverton

Oh no! The Trump baby balloon learned to speak and now it’s calling Theresa May the C-word!

The good : The balloon, a hilarious helium blimp making a mocking caricature of has delighted anti-Trump protesters in and become an all-out international sensation. The bad news: It’s learned to talk and now it’s calling Teresa May a cunt and nobody knows what to do!!!

“I’m terribly shocked by this,” balloon creator Matt Bonner told reporters. “We created the Trump baby balloon prior to the President’s London visit as a visual comment on his childish and destructive behaviour. The notion that in less than a few weeks it could have learned to speak, developed hateful attitudes toward , and directed them at our current prime minister is really disturbing.”

Talk about a nasty surprise!

The balloon, which has also learned to say “mama” “dada” and “boat” apparently started using the slur to refer to a few weeks ago, when she laid out her Brexit negotiation strategy, and refused to give the baby a rice cracker before bedtime. (I mean not cool, but still!)

Even considering this yikesey turn, the Balloon has some loyal pals who believe he can get better.

“As saddened as we are by this recent behavior,” said Stef Dickers of the Bishopsgate Institute, which hopes to permanently display the balloon, “we are confident that it will learn to put on it’s big-kid pants and speak to others the way it wants to be spoken to.”

Former Member of Parliament Boris Johnson has also come to the balloon’s defence, praising it for “playing 3-dimensional chess” and “really getting somewhere”.

Unfortunately, it looks like things are going from bad to worse! The balloon has peed all over itself and is blaming Chuck Schumer!