Saskatchewan Party solidifies platform of being a political party from Saskatchewan - The Beaverton

Saskatchewan Party solidifies platform of being a political party from Saskatchewan

SASKATOON – At the leadership convention that appointed Sott Moe the new leader, members also voted to amend their party constitution to emphasize that they are both a political party and located in .

“We needed to let people know that we are from Saskatchewan” declared party member Alex Henson. “It is time for the Saskatchewan Party to really double down on being pro-Saskatchewan.”

This move expands the parties constitution which originally was “We, the Saskatchewan Party, are not the .” The latest addition, “ is a cool dude”, was enshrined 15 years ago.

“I think this is a great idea.” said Greg Berkich MLA “this way if anyone decides not to vote for us I can can be like “I guess you put Ottawa before Saskatchewan, in your heart and on the ballot.”

Outside of the Saskatechewan Party is the only surviving province name based party after the folding of the Party, the Nunavut Front and the Ontario Party.

has stated that population growth will be his number 1 priority as Premier, ensuring that there is more Saskatchewan and more Party for future generations.

At press time the Saskatchewan Party was struggling to break through outside of Saskatchewan.