Five questions white people ask when they don’t want to say ‘what race are you?’ - The Beaverton

Five questions white people ask when they don’t want to say ‘what race are you?’

is a complicated and deeply personal matter, so naturally it’s one of the first things strangers want to know about you. If you’re ethnically ambiguous, here’s a few of the well-meaning questions you get pretty much every day.

1. Where are you from?

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Who asks this: An acquaintance who wants to know if they can get away with telling racist jokes in front of you.

How to respond: This is the easiest one to deflect. Just say ‘Winnipeg’ – that usually ends the conversation pretty quick.

2. But like, where’s your from?

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Who asks this: An acquaintance who wants to know if they can get away with telling racist jokes in front of you, and also can’t take a hint.

How to respond: Point to the nearest building and say “over there”.

3. What’s your background?

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Who asks this: Your coworker, the first time you go out for drinks.

How to respond: With your entire work in excruciating detail, starting from junior kindergarten.

4. Is that a traditional outfit from your culture?

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Who asks this: A friend of a friend who’s really into kombucha and thinks they can rap.

How to respond: Yeah, we wear these to human sacrifices.

5. So are you a half-breed?

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Who asks this: Someone you encountered briefly on the platform.

How to respond: Say: “I’m the Half- Prince, you muggle!”, and turn them into a ferret. Unless you’re not a wizard — then just walk away.

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