By The Beaverton
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer claims to support free speech. At least when it suits HIS causes, like the Wilfrid Laurier TA debacle. But given his lack of outrage over a Catholic University silencing pro-choice voices we think it is time for Andy to step up and show that he truly supports Canadians Charter Rights and Freedoms by sharing this editorial all across social media even though we’re going to call him a douche at the end of it.
You see Scheersy, freedom of speech isn’t just about shutting down SJWs, mocking libtards, or oppressing transgender Canadians. Sometimes it’s also about hearing something you don’t like. Like a satirical news website demanding you tell all your followers that you are a derogatory term that, in its more proper usage, is a means of cleaning the vagina. And we are about to.
Because Andy Baby, if we are to move forward as a society we need to be willing to listen to each other. To step outside of our safe spaces and partisan bubbles in order to communicate. Otherwise how will we gain further understanding of each other’s ideas and perspectives. You need to open their eyes.
So are you ready A-boy? Here we go:
You’re a douche.
And now we leave it to you. Will you uphold your values? Or will you douche out like the douche you are?
Your move, douche.