Dyson unveils first ever vacuumless bag - The Beaverton

Dyson unveils first ever vacuumless bag

MALMESBURY, UK – In a remarkable feat of engineering, English technology company , Ltd. has produced a bag that works entirely without the need for a cleaner.

“I was at home one weekend in the 80s with what I thought was a pretty good bag, but I was really puzzled as to why it was affixed to a vacuum cleaner,” narrated Dyson founder Sir James Dyson in a 30-second ad. “It was then and there that I sought to design something better: something noiseless, portable, and requiring no electricity. And a few decades and several thousand prototypes later, I had it: a bag that functions totally independently of a vacuum cleaner.”

The basic model of Dyson’s latest innovation, the DB1 Acyclonic Sack, will be sold by the end of the year with a retail price of £499. A few months later, consumers will have the opportunity to purchase a £599 version of the product, which will feature an articulating ball joint in a yet unspecified way.

At press time, Dyson teased their next product, the fanless blade.