The new Omar Khadr? Libs HONOUR this man for killing US soldiers - The Beaverton

The new Omar Khadr? Libs HONOUR this man for killing US soldiers

Disgraceful. That’s the only word to use when the Liberal government of Justin pays out millions to build statues of a man guilty of murdering US servicemen.

Isaac Brock, a self-described ‘soldier’ whose command included a large number of ‘freedom fighters’, is responsible for the remorseless killings of multiple American troops, and died in a fanatical suicide attack.

His favourite way to kill western soldiers? From a cowardly distance, using cannons, precursors of the modern IED.

And yet Liberal governments continue to name , bridges, and universities after him, basically sending the message that rewards people for being terrorists.

But just because he was 14 years old when he joined the navy, the political-correctness brigade says it would be wrong to throw Isaac Brock in Gitmo if he were alive today.

Enough is enough. It’s time for right-thinking Conservative Canadians to demand the government dig up Isaac Brock’s bones and toss them into the ocean next to his buddy Osama’s.