WATERLOO, ON – An inspirational poster portraying busy office workers titled ‘Leadership’ has been a real motivator for a local rowing team since it was posted in the team’s boat house last week.
The crew of the men’s eight took an instant liking to the new perspective of white-collar employees working in unison to make their business successful from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday to Friday.
“We had a really tough regatta two weeks ago where we didn’t even qualify for the final, but this poster really speaks to our team,” said coxswain Trent Short who guided his crew through picturesque morning practice. “But seeing that still-image of individuals committed to exceeding their quarterly profits put things in a whole new light.”
“[The poster] really makes me feel more motivated,” said one of the rowers still staring at an employee handing out what one can only assume is a pertinent memo. “I get a real rush when I see a team pushing themselves to get the edits done to an important email.”