Ottawa announces $62 billion worth of defence spending delays - The Beaverton

Ottawa announces $62 billion worth of defence spending delays

OTTAWA – Defence Minister has announced that the government will add $62 billion in defence spending delays over the next 10 years.

The new procurement strategy titled ‘Postponed. Deferred. Delayed.’ seeks spend 70% more money on delays over the next decade to modernize the ’s setbacks.

“If we want to be a significant global security player, we have to get serious about bogging down our equipment acquisition process,” the Defence Minister explained at an announcement.

Tens of billions have been dedicated to 15 hypothetical surface vessels for the navy so that shipyards in , , and BC may produce technologically advanced excuses on why the ships are not ready yet and why it will cost more.

“We have allotted $15 billion for and Lockheed-Martin for state-of-the-art, frivolous lawsuits against our government when we select a competitor’s bid for a new fighter jet,” added Sajjan.

This does not include bonus delays such as Canadian premiers complaining on how their province’s industries were left out in military contracts.

“We have carefully planned for the Parliamentary Budget Office to release a report on how we underestimated the Operations and Maintenance costs moments before announcing a successful bid.”

According to sources inside the Department of National Defence, the Sea King’s phase-out was pushed back to 2065.