Megyn Kelly, NBC to provide “much needed platform” to Holocaust deniers - The Beaverton

Megyn Kelly, NBC to provide “much needed platform” to Holocaust deniers

— After using the first two episodes of her nationally broadcast, Sunday night magazine as a soapbox for scrappy underdogs Vladimir Putin and , and News announced this week plans to provide a much needed platform for the most marginalized of all American voices, Holocaust deniers.

“For nearly seven decades, historians and journalists alike have used gut wrenching, empirical evidence to advance the narrative that Nazis oversaw the brutally dehumanizing, systematic extermination of more than 6 million Jewish people,” the network said in a statement. “As a news organization, we feel we owe to the families of those victims, as well as to the families of the hundreds of thousands of US soldiers who gave their lives to stop this brutal genocide, to offer national coverage to the small minority of people who insist it was all a hoax perpetuated by that most loathsome of special interest groups, the goddamned Jews.”

Kelly’s signature “just sit there and let people say whatever they want without consequence” approach to journalism has been hailed as “fearless and innovative” by herself and her producers alike. Said one NBC insider, “I would not be at all surprised if the work she’s doing right now earns her a Megyn Kelly Award, which is something I just thought of and can probably get green lighted as a 3 hour ceremony that follows our signature news broadcast, American Ninja Warrior.”

The network went on to assure viewers that Kelly would not be taking her foot off the journalistic pedal any time soon, teasing upcoming sit downs with representatives of #AllLivesMatter, Men’s Rights Activists, as well as an in-depth holiday home visit with George Zimmerman.

“Megyn isn’t afraid to tackle the stories that other journalists won’t touch,” explained the spokesman. “She doesn’t believe the news should have an ethical bias, and frankly, neither do we. Especially not when there’s money to be made.”